I filmed some hand footage in Jacks class the other day to explore the emotion expressed by the hands of the monster so looking forward to checking that out next class.
I've also been looking through the video copilot tutorials, they're really good. I was interested in the tutorial:
It has a nice way of creating smoke and also has a technique I could use when Pips soul exists her body which creates a 3d look to a 2d object eg the girl steps through the portal (2d video footage) however we see her nose and face come through first followed by her chest, neck and shoulders.
Set Backs
Discovered my first set back on Monday night, an After Effects file I had created with Jack exploring the effects I could apply to my 2d animated monster had corrupted and appeared to not have saved. I was happy with the the direction we were heading in, luckily there's not too much work required in re-creating the file.
I've shown my script script to Jack, Darren and Neil and have made some small changes to it, everyone was fairly happy with the first draft so it's finished.
Also here are 2 initial make-up sheet tests Lucy has done for me:
Bought what should be the last color i need for the body paint today - green, so i can green screen out the arms. Just need to find a green t-shirt some where and I'll be ready to test different looks as well as how effectively i can green screen out the background and arms.

Concept Art
I've began the concept art for the backgrounds, characters and car. I compiled a brief mood board for Pip and the Monster character to give some direction to Pat and George who have agreed to do some images for me, still haven't heard back from Callum wether his keen or not and also sent off another email today to try get 1 more person on board.
Here are the character mood boards:
Note: the Pip board only relates to the soul and possessed costumes, I haven't started on her intro costume look yet.


I'v also had crack and created 1 background image, it was a bit of a mind job as there are so many different directions I can go but I think it helped me progress into the layout and colors I might like to use

I'v began compiling reference images for the car, the driving scenes in sin city are very helpful as I'm heading for a similar look- highlighted outlines with a lot of black/near black color
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