As the film will be a collaboration of styles- 2d, live action, pixilation and After Effects. Instead of trying to meld them together and attempt to have a seamless existence between them - which i saw myself failing as it is an extreamly hard thing to do- I have thought about taking a different approach, recognising that each style will create a different look/feel and exploiting this to create an overall collaboration/diverse feel to the film. With this in mind i came up with the idea of an intro sequence with a different style to the actual film, you see this alot in animation these days with 3d movies having 2d animated credit sequences, I think it looks great and is a great way to introduce some new art exploring the same ideas expressed in the film.
I really love Cassandra Rhodin's fashion art, I think it matches with what I am trying to express with Pips various costumes- beautiful, dark.

This has influenced me in the direction of fashion art as an idea for the credits sequence, these images are DEFINATLY not finished/fully developed:

Work proccess
The collaboration style is also a factor I considered with the behind the scenes work, currently I have a team of 6 friends who have all gratiously agreed to work on this project with me along with that I also have 2 bands and have obtained the rights to the Moby Gratis production music. When making this film I want it to be as fun as possible, I much rather working with people than sitting at a computer on my own and I have found that having other people on board has really kept me motivated and has also allowed me access to skills that i do not poccess myself. Win Win.
The collaboration style is also a factor I considered with the behind the scenes work, currently I have a team of 6 friends who have all gratiously agreed to work on this project with me along with that I also have 2 bands and have obtained the rights to the Moby Gratis production music. When making this film I want it to be as fun as possible, I much rather working with people than sitting at a computer on my own and I have found that having other people on board has really kept me motivated and has also allowed me access to skills that i do not poccess myself. Win Win.
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